influence line from mount of venus

Its counter balanced by the proper development of the mounts of Jupiter & Mars. For more about travel lines, you can watch my video lesson here. Do not confound this marking with the island from Saturn indicating rheumatism. A semi-circular Line just crossing the Line of Life - Sudden grave illness or even death. A star - Death of a relative or close friend. I. Function Of Influence Line These lines indicates the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. 13-A line from the Mount of Venus to the Mount of Jupiter ending ina StarAmbition of the subject crowned with brilliant success. Venus is seen from perspective of enjoyment and sex. Ending within the Triangle and cutting no main line. What does it mean if someone has no head line in the left palm? A star at the base with a sloping Line of Head - Diseased imagination. Decades years ago the 'lines of influence' used to run from the Mount of Venus (fleshy mound near base of the thumb) and Mount of Mars (fleshy section above the base of the thumb) right. Connecting With Any Of The Other Mounts. 350+ Customer Reviews - Our mental strength, weakness, stability, instability, and inclinations are indicated by the head line. Similarly,a line from mount of Venus to Saturn mount (position 2) denotes success and wealth acquired with the help of spouse or family members. Being high or large, the mount of Venus becomes positive and in the case of being small or flat it is treated as negative. These tell about factors outside of the subject himself, forming a part of his environment.. If an Influence line begin away from the Life line and gradually come toward it, growing stronger as it progresses (295), it indicates that the influence of some distant relative is gradually coming nearer to the life of the subject and growing stronger. If a cross-line have an island in it, there will be something most unpleasant connected with this impediment. In this way the cause of trouble can be found. The influence lines on the fate line can depict a variety of things such as: An idea might be what caused the influence, usually regarding career or other important life decisions. 3-When the Lines are deep,strong and well-coloured Influence of others powerful. As students, do not hesitate to ask questions, and find out where you have made mistakes. . Mount of moon is symbolic of imagination, creativity and intuition. The Mounts In palmistry, the mounts or the bumps that appear right below your fingers followed by the bumps on your palms are very important. An island crosswise - An advantageous opportunity of marriage has been missed. This may be mother, father, a brother or a sister. Strong deep, horizontal lines from the root of the second phalanx of the thumb to the Line of Life - Qvet-powering influence of the opposite sex upon a portion of the subject's life. However, they are not necessarily a symbol of permanent relocation. This section is from the book "The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes", by C. de Saint-Germain. The outcome of being warm is the ability to attract people, relations and love towards themselves. Thank you in advance for your time. I have seen several cases of this kind ; the father having died, or been injured, has so shocked the mother that she never recovered. Island Worry Line. The meaning of LINE OF INFLUENCE is one of a series of lines that appear on the Mount of Venus inside and parallel or perpendicular to the Life line and that are usually held by palmists to indicate influences on a person's life from outside factors especially by relatives or close friends. This line may cut through other Influence lines lying closer to the Life line, showing that it is becoming more powerful than they. The poem begins with an introductory hymn praising Inanna. Only those indications which my own experience as well as that of other careful investigators has fully verified are here considered, and all matters which are traditional or hypothetical have been left out. Girl Mother Abandoned with Her Child - Two lines clearly traced on the Mount of Venus, close to the second phalanx of the thumb and cat by two distinct crosses. People with a developed Venus mount, love to eat and love good food. Any wrong sign can make this mount weak. When there is a line starting from inside Venus Mount and touching the Heart line in a fork or split, it is an indication of emotional imbalance which leads to separation of the couple. They tend to influence the people from their surroundings and people often admire them and love to imitate them. A single cross sign is a lucky sign. A grille in a bad hand - Lascivious-ness and unhealthy curiosity. Mount of Venus is the goddess of love and romance.That's why the person is able to acquire excellent success with the help of opposite sex. Mount of moon (or also known as Luna mount) shares a major portion on the lower side of our hand with the mount of Venus. Mount Ketu in the hand is located above the Manibandh, between the mount of Venus and the Moon. In estimating the Influence line which represents the husband or wife, it should be borne in mind that in womens hands it will begin at from 18-25, and in men from 25-30, these years representing the average years when marriages occur. Every line of the Grille represents an influence which has affected the life, and the more of these there are, the more the Mount will have Currents which excite it, and consequently fire its qualities. Lines And Signs On The Lower Mount Of Mars. One has to depend over the location, development and of the mounts. If the Mount is flat and hard - The sign of the heartless debauchee already worn out. The intensity of the influence depends on the how deep the lines are, if the line is deep then the influence is more. Copyright 2002-2020 Quest Mercury Intermedia Private Limited. a. c. Merging into or just cutting one or more of the other Main Lines. Anywhere you see a multiples cross symbol, it's a bad omen. 12-A line from a star on the Mount of Venus merging into a good Line of Sun Increase of fortune through the death of a relative or close friend. Semi-circular crossing the Life Line - Sudden illness or even death of the subject. If they cut some particular Influence line repeatedly (300), that influence will have a continual life of worry and impediment. If a line of Influence end in a star, and this be connected by a Worry line with an island on the Head line (308), the delicacy and death of a relative produce a weakened mental condition of the subject. Variations of opinion about Fish sign in palmistry [], The head line in palmistry refers to the thought process and facets related to the brain and the mind. The Lines of Influence are those that are on the Mount of Venus and inside the Life line. Any Queries ? The family influence line symbolizes the family affection. If an island is observed on the palm of a female connecting with the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate with Mount of Venus then it is an obvious sign of her seduction (5). The presence of these lines reflects the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. The Sign of Saturn - A melancholy, morbid - often unnatural kind of love. The person will get an understandable, loving and caring life partner. Lines from Mount of Venus cutting the lifeline, Lines from mount of venus joining fate lined, To know more about over developed Mount of Venus visit, fish sign on mount of venus is similar to an island and islands, Different types of Head Line explained in Palm reading - Palmist Manish, Different types of rare lines for luck success, Mystic cross in Palmistry - True Meaning and location - Palmist Manish, Mount of Mercury and Mercury Lines in palmistry. Horizontal lines on the Mount of Venus (299) are persons or events which have crossed our lives and impeded them. These lines are most common rising from the heart line to the success line, showing a heartfelt decision regarding the career, hobby or business enterprise. With a similar small cross on the Mount of Jupiter - A happy love affair, with the "one" woman or the "one"man on earth. The Sign of Venus - Increased qualities otherwise shown by the Mount. Extreme difficulty within a relationship is revealed when there is an island on the worry line. 2-A star at the end of a line of influenceInfluence of others negative. Venus indicates "Luxury in life". In such cases, some palmists refer to it as a support or influence line rather than a Mars line. If the horizontal line from mars negative area cuts the fate line it will mean problem in finance. Rich individual might have bad/negative Mount of Venus, Poor person may have excellent mount of Venus. All Rights participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on featured, recommended, suggested or reviewed products and services purchased through our links to external sites. This mount is normally around a third of the subject's palm. In connection with the lines of Saturn and Apollo it is of constant service. The line of Life is, according to our hypothesis, the third line which receives the Electric Current upon its entrance through the finger of Jupiter. If any of these lines are islanded - The love affair in question will have been of a guilty nature. I have found that they indicate persons who have strongly influenced the life either for good or ill, and that they generally represent members of ones own family or the closest of friends. For instance, if it represents a union/partnership/marriage, we can use the timeline from the life line to guess the timing. This is really an Influence line, but it is an influence upon the health of the subject, sustaining and strengthening it, and does not relate to the influence of other persons. Anyone with a prominent Mount of Venus will have lots of love, beauty and grace. The vertical lines on the Mount of Venus show mainly family influences, whether it be the mother, father or siblings. The subject could be sensitive to airborne pollutants, smoking, and alcohol. Mount of Venus if extra developed may indicate addiction to sex or excessive masturbation. A star very near the scrond phalanx of the thumb - A marriage or liaison that will be the subject's whole life. In all cases they have strong influence, hence their name. 2-A star at the end of a line of influence Influence of others negative. More frequently (and logically), Inconstancy. The Lines of Influence, both vertical and horizontal, form what is commonly called the Grille on the Mount of Venus. The long-distance travel line is longer than the short distance. If a line of Influence which has been diagnosed as the wife or husband have a line rising from it to the Mount of Jupiter, it indicates that this relative is most ambitious (310). 5-If an influence line beginning early and ending in a star, beside it a line more distant from the life line which grows stronger after the starDeath of mother or father at the age shown by the star and a distant relative coming into the life. Defects on Influence lines, connected by Worry lines with defects 011 other lines, will show that the influence has caused the defect. Lower Mars, when they do not cross any other line than the Line of Life -Interference of relatives. A deep line from the second phalanx of the thumb across the Mount of Venus and just cutting the Line - Great sorrow from the death or faithlessness of some one much loved. A circle (very rare) - Chronic ill health. The Lines of Influence, both vertical and horizontal, form what is commonlycalled the Grille on the Mount of Venus. Acquire the general principles, and apply them with good methods of reasoning to the Influence lines, and they will prove to be an increasing source of benefit. Remembering that these lines represent other people, and by discovering who these persons are in relation to the subject, you can estimate very closely what effect they have on his life. Meaning of vis lascavia line in Palmistry In palmistry, the vis lascivia line is a line that is sometimes found on the palm. The sun line varies greatly in length, depth, and . They are also music lovers. Influence Lines on the Mount of Venus by Futurescopes Research Team These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life (11-11, Plate XVIII. If an Influence line deep at the beginning gradually grow thinner and end in a star, and Worry lines cross from it to the Life line, which grows thin and has a dot on it, the increasing delicacy of a relative ends in death, and the worry over this case brings on delicacy of the subject ending in a severe illness (306). The sun or apollo line is the sister line to fate line. rules of dice divination; list of . I have never verified these readings to my full satisfaction. Learn what the Influence Line and Worry Line in Palmistry mean, how to Identify them and their characteristics. If the line begins at the mount of Mars, it is a Mars line. The line is often associated with luck, destiny, fortune and yields excellent results if associated with the Sun Line. Cross Lines. But when it is close to the line of life, it tells of trouble and quarrels with the close relatives. I must state here, emphatically, that I never saw this sign in the hands of people about to be imprisoned or about entering convent life. To find the fish sign on this part of the palm can suggest that there is a conception that you take your health very seriously. on the contrary, I have noticed it very frequent!y in the hands of people who had led a recluse's life, either by inclination or by order of court. If the Influence line is deep, then thin, and alternates in this way, the influence is strong, then weak, and only exerts its power spasmodically (294). A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak or non existent fate line. Some of these run parallel to the Life line others which run across the Mount (277). This line becomes the dominating influence of the subject from the time of its appearance if the marriage is happy, but it only shows faintly if the marriage has made no more than a passing impression on the subject. ), but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life Line," which commences higher up nearer the Mount of Mars.These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who have. The first instance is that the beginning of the fate line is on the mount of venus. The intensity of the influence depends on the how deep the lines are, if the line is deep then the influence is more. If a Hue of Influence rising early be supported by one which rises at about the time of marriage, the wife or husband has supplanted the mother completely (311). Usually, there will be a connecting line to the fate line or a new section of life line if the change is lasting. When deep, they indicate illness of a serious nature. Lines on mount of Venus. The influence line that comes from Venus mount, then goes as an island between the life line, then the head line, and ends to the fate line without going beyond. (In a woman's hand), unfavorable attachment in early life having caused great sorrow to the subject. People are curious about moles on the palm. If a Worry line start from a star on the end of an Influence line and cut a rising line from the Life line (293), it indicates that the death of a relative caused the trouble. A star at the base - Misfortune due to a person of the opposite sex. II, Lines of Influence from the Mounts of Venus or Lower Mars, or the Line of Life. 11-A line starting from a star on the Mount of Venus and ending in a fork on the Mount of SaturnUnfortunate marriage, the partner may either die or become mad. The intensity of the influence depends on the how deep the lines are, if the line is deep then the influence is more. Cutting the Life Line and Fate Line - Opposition from relatives in business and worldly affairs. The area of Rahu mountain in the palm is considered to be right in the middle, below the headline, near Mars and Venus mountains. This generally indicates an increase of Venusian qualities, particularly the sexual appetites. William Benham describes someone who has a large number of influence lines on the Mount of Venus as having a healthy sexual appetite. Too many cross-like lines on Mount of Jupiter indicate bad luck. Job loss, work loss, business loss. The reasonthese lines are seen is because the influences have made strong impressions on themind of the subject, and these mental impressions have shown themselves in thehand. If inside of a broken line of Influence, starting at twenty to thirty, there be another line which begins early in the life of the subject, and continues uninterrupted past these breaks, it shows the intermittent character of the wife or husbands influence, strengthened by the constant influence of the mother or father. The length of these lines tell the duration of the influences as factors in the life of a subject. Influences of persons of the other sex upon the subject. These tell about factors outside of the subject himself, forming a part of his "environment." The Influence line which runs closest to the line of Life is the closest influence. All Rights participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on featured, recommended, suggested or reviewed products and services purchased through our links to external sites. The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. Answer (1 of 2): Any horizontal line cutting anyline brings trouble. Venus Mount Crease. But. If this line only cut the lines of Influence inside the Life line, it will be expended on the relatives, but if it cut the Life line it will affect the life of the subject. A line that is parallel but not close to the fate line is a secondary fate line. A quantity of lines much crossed - A passionate disposition. The Lines of Influence, both vertical and horizontal, form what is commonly called the Grille on the Mount of Venus. Many people have more than one fate line. The death of relatives also seriously impairs the health of some subjects, and thus in all directions Influence lines are valuable indications. What profession career associated with Mount of Venus ? You can also learn totke, lal kitab upay and remedies. The Influence line in palm reading as the nam. When lines of Influence are deep, strong, and well colored, the influence is powerful; when they are thin, shallow, chained, uneven, or broken in any way (282), the influence is not strong. Function Of Influence Line These lines indicates the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. If the cutting line be a deep one, and the cut line begin so early that you judge it to be a parent, the cause of the cut has often been verified as the father. Its area is situated below the headline, surrounded by the Mounts of Moon , Mars and Venus. If the mount of Jupiter is well developed, the person will have abundance of will-power and self-confidence. These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who Copyright 2002-2020 Quest Mercury Intermedia Private Limited. The Sign of Jupiter - Love for people who flatter one's vanity. . This general reading of a large number of Influence lines on the Mount of Venus is correct, as has been clearly demonstrated in the hands of subjects known to have strong sexual appetites. But it is only an influence or support line if it is close. Where is Mount of Venus On The Palm? It is found at the base of your thumb. If this line should be revived and gradually grow stronger, the influence will return into the life of the subject and grow in power (284). The fate line starting from the Mount of Venus (the portion of the palm surrounded by the life line at the base of the thumb) and ending at the heart line indicates a marriage with a noted or rich person. At the foot of Mount Olympus bubbles up a spring which changes its flavor hour by hour, night and day, and the spring is scarcely three days' journey from Paradise, out of which Adam was driven. Ending within the Triangle and cutting no main line. This is why these cross lines cutting the Life line have been called Worry lines. Copyright May You Interest 1 girdle of venus in palmistry 2 palm reading - heart line (love line) 3 A Brief Resume Of The History Of The Study Of Hands Through The Centuries To The Present Day, The Line Of Head Or The Indications Of The Mentality, The Line Of Head Joined To The Line Of Life, The Line Of Head Separated From The Line Of Life, Crosses And Squares In Connection With The Line Of Head, The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands, The Line Of Heart As Indicating The Affectionate And Emotional Nature, Influence Lines To The Fate Line On The Mount Of Venus Connection With Marriage, Lines Denoting Children Their Sex And Other Matters Concerning Them, The Girdle Of Venus The Ring Of Saturn And The Bracelets, The Line Of Intuition And The Via Lasciva, The Island The Circle The Spot And The Grille. I never saw this sign and I should hesitate very much before giving it this meaning. Inanna and Ebih (ETCSL 1.3.2), otherwise known as Goddess of the Fearsome Divine Powers, is a 184-line poem written by the Akkadian poet Enheduanna describing Inanna's confrontation with Mount Ebih, a mountain in the Zagros mountain range. The reason these lines are seen is because the influences have made strong impressions on the mind of the subject, and these mental impressions have shown themselves in the hand. It is more appropriate to be called an inspiration line when it originates from the head line or the heart line to touch either the fate or success lines. In all such cases the character of the Life line will tell what this bad effect has been. For this and the next observations see also the Chapter on Lints of Influence on, or from the Mount of Venuss. These individuals are emotionally, mentally and physically very strong and stable when compared to the rest. The act of breeding, propagating, reproducing, fathering our species is also the act of Venus mount. On the Mount of Venus: When Heavily marked, indicates a fatal influence of affection with an opposite gender, and when very small and found close to Line of Life, tells troubles and quarrels with . Also available from Amazon: The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes. The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. THE LINE OF DESTINY, ISLANDS, AND OTHER SIGNS. I have never verified this very ancient reading. The Mount grilled all over, with a well marked Line of Intuition - Disposition to dream prophetic dreams or to conceive correct presentments. However, a break in the influence line and defective heart line at the same time . They can also represent any person or persons who have had an impact or made a strong impression in their life. etc. Ending with Star- Negative influence of others . From my study, many see themselves as spiritually aware. [], [] see if there are sister lines on one or both sides of the broken life line; these lines give support to an otherwise uncertain [], Palmistry Lines Book 2 All the Lines eBook, Influence Lines and Support Lines in Palmistry, Simian Line Palmistry eBook in PDF Format, Paperback Palmistry Book the Complete Guide, Palmistry Shop Palm Reading Answers & More, Palmistry Blog Links to Articles on This Site, Palm Reading for Career and Money Questions, Life Guidance From the Palms and Fingerprints, Best Palmistry Blog for Specialist Learning, Heart Line Joins Head Line or Dips Downward, Membership Page for Palmistry Consultations, Palm Reader for a Party or Event in Brisbane, Palm Reading Love or Career Basic Reading, Palmistry Online By Destiny Palmistry Read About Us, Palmistry Video List to Learn Hand Analysis, Palmistry Workshops and Readings in Brisbane, Wheel of Change and Fortune is Your Blessing, Marriage on the Palm - Relationship lines - Destiny Palmistry, Broken Life Line Meaning in Palm Reading - Destiny Palmistry, Past Present and Future from the Palm Lines, Warning Signs For Business from The Hands, Nail Shapes on the Finger and What it Means, Seven-Year Cycle Time Scale on the Sun Line, Various Palm Lines That Reveal an Overthinker. venus; saturn; ruling planets of the years. Many Yogs associated with prosperity or property can be seen in palmistry. If lines rise from the lines of Influence and run to, but do not cut, the Life line, it shows that relatives will uplift the subject, but if lines droop from the Influence lines to the Life line, the subject will be continually pulled down by his kin (309). A star on the end of a line of Influence (281) will indicate the ceasing of that influence, whatever it may be; and, while you cannot state definitely who the person is, yet by noting the distance between this Influence line and the line of Life, you can determine whether the line represents one closely connected with the subject or a more distant relative. Go over the Influence lines on Mount of Venus to discover what part relatives may play; look to the Mounts for health defects of all the types, and for chance lines pointing from these defects to the island. The Mars line runs parallel and close to . Cross on the Jupiter mount. In a large number of cases these Worry linescutting an upward branch from the Life line have been verified as indicating a legal difficulty. They usually represent family members, friends, teachers, children, or even a favorite animal companion. Call / WhatsApp on +919825470377. If a branch line emanates from the line of life towards the Mount of Moon, they are signs of trips or travel. This region reveals the love life of the subject. From their surroundings and people often admire them and their characteristics support line if it represents a union/partnership/marriage, can... - a marriage or liaison that will be the mother, father or siblings or close friend can! Love, beauty and grace development and of the other main lines that it a... More often found with those persons who have had an impact or made a strong impression in their life with! Often admire them and love good food the end of a guilty nature from perspective of enjoyment and sex into! 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