ingenue style essence

To follow the natural curves, romantic clothing is soft and flowing. To make the effect even more visible, let's look at Scarlett when she's wearing her essences: Wow, this mix of ingenue with romantic looks so amazing on Scarlett. However, one could argue that the Soft Gamine Kibbe ID has some correlation to the ingenue essence. Now, as far as I know, Beyonce has not been Kitchener verified (so this is my opinion! Individuals with the natural style essence tend to have a strong and sturdy body type. Kate's best look, on the other hand, is the classic style. Someone who has the romantic style essence looks sexy and effortlessly glamorous in such an outfit. the concept wardrobe 46k followers More information The Ingenue Style Essence - A Comprehensive Guide | the concept wardrobe Dramatic Classic Soft Classic Classic Style This is a serious look, and she can pull it off comfortably. Can you pull them off?You probably have the romantic style essence. They like to play with fashion. They have long since been appropriated by the western world and in the case of body typing and harmonizing style lines represent two distinct concepts. On sites like Olga's that people rely on for essences, the photos of examples are celebrities and models who are in the top 1% of attractiveness and who have had professional interventions (surgery and injections, hair and makeup and wardrobe) to build and cultivate a particular aura and image. While I have verticality and kibbe-width, I also harmonize with the romantic and dramatic lines and style essences, which makes those popular choices in my videos. Classics are often of average height (neither extremely tall nor very petite). John Kitchener says that all the world is a stage for this type.Dramatics and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of wildness, exoticism, boldness, and extravagance. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. Turns out I'm a Dramatic Classic (talk about mistyping yourself) - and I think I have Classic and Romantic essence (and perhaps a tiny bit of Natural) which would explain my skewed view of myself in the Kibbe system at the begining it's really a journey! This style essence communicates formality and timeless elegance. Let's take a look at another signature style of the natural style essence: oversized, shapeless garments. Because I have almost equal parts natural, romantic, and dramatic I can usually pull off full looks from each category. But clothes should have no other purpose than to bring out your natural beauty and to highlight it.The wardrobe guide will help you discover those garments that truly suit you. If you can carry off an elaborate outfit and you don't look like you're trying too hard, there's a good chance you have some romantic essence in you. The further to the left of the spectrum we go, the more angular and sharper the essences get (as they become more influenced by the square or rectangle shape). Garments that drape or wrap around the body or have some ruching are ideal. Kibbe has a more analytical way of looking at your yin/yang balance and which dominant traits you need to take into consideration. For more on essences, finding your own balance, and examples, check out this video: I personally like Kibbes description of natural more than Kitcheners because I find Kitchener makes the natural essence sound too perfunctory and a bit too functional. It has more to do with your overall contrast level and what else is in your blend. Consequently, individuals with the natural style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of relaxed sportiveness. The idea is that you echo the lines of your facial structure with your clothing. Dune Emerson. Length is what makes dramatic clothing come alive on this type. The below slip dress is cut for curve- meaning it shapes in at the waist and hugs the hips, plus the very dainty straps, and the bust cups with lace, this slip dress leans much more Romantic or Ingenue Essence than it does a traditional Kibbe FN slip dress. Gigi's best look, on the other hand, is the natural style. Pieces that are moderate, balanced, and look put together. Join. This essence conjures up images of unspoiled, wild landscapes. They also can easily adopt fashion trends or play with fashion looks. Eyes may be wide-spread and are often round and large. The text is a little too pixelated to make out at its current size. Learn more about the angelic style essence. For accessories this means materials from the earth that are rare and iridescent - such as pearls but in their natural shapes. These dresses don't look glamorous on Cara Delevigne. Today. Adjectives like mysterious, ethereal, mystical, or 'old soul' could be used to describe people of the angelic style essence. Their outfits consist of straighter and sharper edges and are often paired with vivid or dark colors for a bold appearance. On Scarlett, again, these looks don't have the same effect. For the ingenue style essence that means following the delicate, petite, rounded lines and soft curves of individuals with this style essence. They prefer their clothing to be functional, emphasising comfort. The romantic style essence is a yin essence. Kim looks like she had a bad day. They tend to be drawn to extreme fashion and costume. A signature style of the natural essence is activewear. The three yin essences are romantic, ingenue and angelic. Dramatic, gamine, and natural essences fall under Yang, featuring more striking looks. She looks stunning, cool, and very comfortable in the playful looks of the gamine style essence. To achieve this look in clothing, Romantics look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobes: Sensuality is best communicated through tight-fitted garments. Here is another example of where Kitchener deviates from Kibbe with his essence theory. The ingenue style essence is a petite essence. The symbol of the dramatic style essence is the feline jungle animal, so it only makes sense that Dramatics look good in animal prints. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Katrina, whereas on Aja they look like they belong there. Cher is a great example of a dramatic essence. A signature style of the dramatic essence is the skirt suit (or a dress in combination with a blazer). Take a look at the following ladies and note how their features communicate timeless elegance and class. The angelic style essence is flowing and wants to be wrapped and draped. Ingenues often have a round or heart face shape. What this means is that there is not one physical feature that seems exaggerated, prominent, irregular, or out of place. Disconcerting that petite women only fit into gamine or ingenue categories in your chart. Individuals with the natural style essence can pull off casual looks without looking underdressed. GAMINE style type. And because Dramatics tend to be tall and narrow, they are not easily overwhelmed by oversized garments. The ingenue and the gamine style essence are both youthful essences. Adjectives like sporty, laid-back, and casual could be used to describe people of the natural style essence. Now let's see how a skirt suit looks on someone who does not have the classic style essence. So while some naturals may prefer to have functional pieces, and simple layering in their styles, I think that doesnt cover the true natural essence of todays culture. Jennifer looks like she is forced to attend a business meeting. This doesn't look like a garden party, and again, we get that glamorous effect on her. If you can look pull off elegant, timeless looks without looking boring and old-fashioned, you probably have some classic style essence in you. Compared to others, individuals with the gamine style essence tend to look 'whimsical.' Kibbe really wanted YOU to shine and he aimed at simplifying a trend-obsessed culture, finding your unique beauty, and embracing those traits. It's a conservative essence that thrives on styles that have stood the test of time and are just as elegant now as they were decades ago. Consequently, individuals with the classic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of timeless elegance and formality. This mix of classic with some romantic looks amazing on her. The Natural style essence is the sportive, relaxed, or casual yang essence. Consequently, individuals with the angelic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of softness and otherworldliness or mysticism. This essence conjures up images of mythical creatures, fairies and mermaids, and the cosmos and galaxies. Hand in hand with unusual textures goes the need for bold colours. Btw, if you like the ingenue essence you can definitely try to emulate it. Being of smaller height is what I mean when I refer to petite in the height section, just like the dramatic height is listed as tall (above 5 ft 7). Consequently, asymmetry in clothing and accessories is not only very flattering but also adds interest to an outfit. And so should its fabrics. Check out Aja Naomi King: Does Aja look like she's wearing children's clothing?Far from it. Nothing is too unconventional for this essence. The classic style essence is the balance between masculinity and femininity also known as the formal, traditional essence balancing yin and yang.. Full deep dive into the dramatic essence below: In Kitchener system, the gamines are referred to as Playfully Dramatic with Yang Essence. The below chart is referencing both Kitchener and McJismey and it goes over the physical and behavioral elements of each essence. They are often tall, thin, oval-faced and waif-like, suggesting mythical creatures. If anything, she looks very regal, elegant, and sophisticated. However, patterns are okay as long as they are highly abstract and portray mystical elements. Now let's see how a tight-fitted dress looks on someone who does not have the romantic style essence. And this is where Kibbe and Kitchener can offer some insight. Sometimes people feel boxed in by Kibbes system. They tend to be shorter, with delicate often rounded features and bone structure. This essence is all about a playful, rebellious image (not to be confused with the expressive intensity of the Dramatic). And while the ingenue silhouette still resembles an hourglass, its compact. These percentages can then be applied to your style by using them as guidelines for your head-to-toe look. Learn more about the natural style essence. Romantic first, dramatic second. Individuals of this style essence tend to be tall and have angular features and bone structure, and a straight body frame. McJimsey believed you could be a composite of types. Dramatic clothing styles are long and narrow, possibly oversized, and include creative patterns and textures, large-scale prints and bold colours. This is a much better quality than the one on pinterest because each site degrades/smooshes the image for space saving. Angelics are often oval-faced and waif-like. However, the more you study your style the more you will learn your essence boundaries. Whereas on Cara, these looks are quite disappointing again. [Note that in this context feminine does not mean naive or meek. Check out Jourdan Dunn: Now let's see how a flared dress looks on someone who does not have the angelic style essence. For them, fashion tends to be first and foremost about practicality and comfort. Contrary to other style essences, individuals with the classic style essence look best with as little adornment as possible. That can be in the form of dresses or trousers or even just sleeves. ), but I believe she has a Dramatic/Romantic split. The Romantic Essence is all about indulgent fashion, and expensive-looking accessories. Image Archetype (Body Type) Analysis for men and women in zurich. And ingenue is the opposite. Where other types would look like they're wearing children'c clothes, a Gamine portrays coolness and self-assurance. The child is an adaptation of the "gamine" AND "ingenue" style essence as introduced by David Kibbe and John Kitchener. Natural habitat: A spooky forest . Messy hair, relaxed clothing - a natural outfit, and it looks very comfortable on Jennifer. I've yet to properly figure out my essence but its looking like I'm not fully a (Flamboyant) Gamine as I initially believed! Cara has the gamine and the dramatic style essences, and this dress makes her look fierce and bold. Individuals with the gamine style essence can credibly pull off boyish looks. Where other types would look like they're trying too hard in such a style, a Romantic portrays glamour and sensuality. Classics clothing breathes timelessness and formal elegance, neutral colours and simple designs. For the gamine style essence that means following the delicate, petite, rounded lines and soft curves of individuals with this style essence. They like to poke fun at fashion. She looks neither overwhelmed nor sloppy. Their mature femininity is expressed in indulgent fashion and expensive accessories. On the contrary, she looks nothing short of cool and self-assured. Well, this is not quite the same effect that we got on Zoe. Style essences can be a useful tool in exploring your personal style and the vibe you give off to the world. Hi! The best example of this is the skirt suit - a blend between the yang suit and the yin skirt. INGENUE style type. They are described as high-spirited with a pixie nature. Adjectives like intense, dignified, poised, theatrical could be used to describe people of the dramatic style essence. These are yin types of beauty, which are gentler and more delicate. Its hallmark traits are angular features (sometimes, not always), intensity, extroverted sensibility, and a love of fashion. I particularly liked you in the Dramatic followed by The Natural . I suggested black and white photos, simply because they can help you see the shapes of your face more clearly, and help determine your vibe with fewer distractions. Stiff materials and cuts are inappropriate here. The natural style essence is the combination of yang features and activeness, also known as the sportive, casual yang essence. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. Learn more about the classic style essence. Let's take a look at another signature style of the romantic style essence: large floral prints. The look of a Classic tends to be aristocratic and timeless. She looks amazing, bold, and incredibly beautiful. Why? We could apply other adjectives to these words as well, but I find it to best be described simply so as not to further confuse or bias your understanding. Individuals with the romantic style essence can pull off sexy looks with glamour. 49 Ingenue Classic Mature Ingenue Style ideas | style, color analysis, gamine style Ingenue Classic Mature Ingenue Style 49 Pins 4y D Collection by Deborah M Face Shapes Body Shapes Up Hairstyles Straight Hairstyles Energy Profiling M Makeup Dress Body Type Carol Tuttle Live Your Truth Correlating face shape to personality is not new! Similar to romantic clothing, ingenue clothing features flowing, rounded shapes. Been binge watching your videos since I've discovered your essences series and they've been super informative and detailed! On the contrary, she looks even more classy. In this article, we will explore the spectrum of style essences in more detail. 10-15% of an essence can be used for accessories, 20-40% of an essence can be used for one garment, 50%+ of an essence can be used for an entire outfit. They consume pieces, try them on, and then dont actually like them enough to integrate them into their wardrobe permanently, so the cycle repeats itself a month or two later. This accentuates the gentle playfulness of this essence. Someone with the natural style essence can wear this and look put together. Consequently, individuals with the romantic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of sensuality and glamour. However, FNs commonly wear longer, looser slip dresses with far fewer dainty details. While it is technically a different system, John Kitchener also uses a yin/yang system to identify your blend of style essences. John Kitchener offers online analysis here. Emma looks very natural and comfortable. -Daughters of India. A signature style of the angelic essence is the long, flared (or draped) dress. There is nothing unconventional or unexpected about the classic style essence. Either way, it's another great material to portray sensuality. Oh my word! If I went solely off Kitchener I would be in the dramatic and romantic essences only. Web-shaped designs, sumptuous textures, and ornate details are common. Height is not a characteristic aspect of this style essence, it is their symmetry that leads the way. The ingenue style essence is a delicate, gentle essence, not a bold one. Trends is not something the classic style essence seeks out. Individuals with the romantic style essence tend to have a fleshy, curvy body type, as it is this roundness of the body parts that makes romantic clothing look amazing on them. According to this style essence chart: Square face - natural. It's dark, but partly transparent - concealing and revealing. The gamine style essence is the playfully dramatic yang essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of rebelliousness and boyishness.Gamines and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of rebelliousness, creativity, and playfulness. Long and oversized garments will overwhelm this type. The best garments for any style essence are those that mimic and repeat that essence's natural lines, shapes, and themes. For the romantic style essence that means following the soft, rounded lines and curves of individuals with this style essence. Consequently, individuals with the dramatic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of dignity and theatricality. Extravagant collars, extra buttons and pockets are not something the classic style essence requires. Abstractly, we can associate the natural style essence with the themes of adventure and freedom. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Kim, whereas on Gigi they look like they belong there. Learn how to build a flattering and functional wardrobe tailored to you. Tactile, luxurious textures - such as silk and velvet - have the desired effect. For accessories, this can be in the form of actual winged creatures such as butterflies. This is a serious look, and she can pull it off comfortably. Creative patterns and prints are a must and the more, the merrier. It's because Scarlett has predominantly yin features. This generalization is probably why EVERYONE wants to type themselves as a romantic or theatrical romantic. This is a slight variation from Kibbe who puts Gamines more in the combo yin/yang spectrum. The natural style essence is the sportive, casual yang style essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of activeness and a laid-back, easy-going nature.Naturals and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of nature, the outdoors, and activeness. Timeless patterns such as houndstooth or even cable knits can work on this style essence. Romantic clothing styles include lots of wrapping and ruching, luxurious, tactile textures, tight-fitted garments and sensuous accessories. And yin colours are lighter and softer, as these essences are gentler. The balanced style essence is an even blend of yin and yang. The ingenue style essence is another yin essence, but its type of yin is decorative small-scale yin. While still compact, garments are straight and narrow rather than rounded and soft. Yin clothing is flowing, draped and lightweight to achieve movement. Essence is not personality. Her face doesn't communicate otherworldliness, it's an approachable face - more of a natural face. Sculptures best sum up this style essence. Three essences are yang types of beauty, three are yin types of beauty, and one is a balance between yin and yang. We get more of the adult-trapped-in-children's-clothing vibe. They can handle bold textures like the rhinestone mesh Cher is wearing above. Where other types would look like they were wearing a fancy dress costume, an Angelic almost looks like a goddess or a mythical creature. Accessories should be similarly gathered or draped to provide softness. (source). It is described as a casual and sportivelook. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Scarlett, whereas on Emma they look like they belong there. The classic, however, is a blend between these characteristics and therefore a neutral essence. Their features communicate an easy-going, approachable nature. This doesn't necessarily read as ultra-skinny - although it certainly can - but simply as a narrow, sharp straightness as opposed to a very soft, rounded, and curvy body type. Style essences that lean towards the Yin end of the spectrum have more feminine characteristics, such as roundness, softness, and fineness. For example, if your face is soft and delicate, you would wear clothes that are soft and delicate. It is second nature to them. In addition, textures are best when they're shiny to add glitz and glam. Adjectives like sexy, 'womanly', and glamorous could be used to describe people of the romantic style essence. In addition, we said that the ingenue style essence is associated with youthful innocence and playfulness. Sometimes its the flamboyant natural style lines, but I also get an overwhelming amount of people liking the Soft Dramatic or the Theatrical Romantic lines on me as well. Dark lace (a signature style of the romantic style essence), in contrast, portrays sensuality - not something the ingenue essence is known for. Individuals of this style essence tend to be short with compact body types, typically have boyish looks, and tend to be energetic and impish. And the themes that this essence communicates are sensuality, maturity, luxury, and indulgence. Angelic accessories are ultra fine-weight and may suggest the cosmos. Kibbe's idea of creating a total look that harmonizes with your essence comes from old Hollywood, where a . Aja looks very natural and comfortable. This style essence communicates otherworldliness and mysticism. Kitchener and Kibbe were both producing these systems during the late 1980s. And the themes that this essence communicates are sportiveness and adventure. The majority is most likely to be your main essence. DRAMATIC style type. Ingenue, Just the Right Shoe by Raine, #25027, Ivory Boot, Miniature Shoe Collectible. Style essences are a great way to guide yourself toward your most well-rounded image. Neither has vey mature features. Since the classic style essence is an even blend between yin and yang, the best clothing shapes for this essence are those that blend yin and yang shapes in a similar manner. To achieve this look in clothing, Classics look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobes: The classic style essence does not follow trends. Yin shapes are small and round. Your style is your own, and this is the beginning of your personal style recipe. The Ingenue style essence is the decorative small-scale yin essence. Similarly, dresses, coats etc. The right clothing for any style essence aims at mimicking the natural lines of that style essence's physical characteristics. Consequently, a Classic's features are neither very angular and sharp nor very round and soft, but sit perfectly balanced between the two extremes. The complete guide {seriously, everything} to the i. The more to the right we go, the rounder and softer the style essences get (as they approach the circle). As such, colourful pastels are perfect to portray this essence. I think the youthfulness is coming from gamine rather than ingenue. The gamine style essence is a bold one. So ultimately, my recommendation is to find your kibbe ID and then explore your Kitchener essence blend. Im 55 and just emerging from a time of dealing with lots of health issues. I am a Flamboyant Natural in the Kibbe system and often look best with relaxed, effortless hair and pieces that honor my vertical line. Individuals with the angelic style essence can pull off fairytale looks with glamour. Notice how the ladies in the following examples all have bold appearances and a hint of danger in their faces. The Romantic style essence is the sensual, deep yin essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of sensuality and mature femininity.Romantics and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of luxury and indulgence. Here we can see a dramatic/romantic essence combo. If we are being frank I think the two systems need to work hand in hand. Far from plain designs, the ingenue essence benefits from decorative, playful trimmings such as ruffles and bows. Cheap materials are not appreciated here. Make sure the pattern is large-scale and asymmetrical as mentioned before. Hallmarked Ingenue Sterling. For instance, while my Kibbe ID is a Flamboyant Natural- My essence would be romantic, dramatic, and natural. Feline jungle animals such as cheetahs and leopards best sum up this style essence. They seek to bridge the gap between your body and your clothing lines. Its neither striking nor gentle; classic clothing is simple and timeless. According to Kitchener, the Angelic (also known as the ethereal) essence is the most yin essence. We can see there is more intensity in Beyonces face and she can pull off some stronger looks than Marilyn. McJimsey gives Shirley Jones as a celebrity example of the Ingenue type. ), but Id be remiss not to mention that this is hindering your personal style. She looks stunning, dignified, and very comfortable in the bold looks of the dramatic style essence. Its a community for fashion aficionados and for the newly fashion-obsessed to come together on a shared love and interest. Take a look at the following ladies and pay attention to their whimsical looks and the hint of non-conformity in their features. Its type of yin is ethereal yin. But its silhouette is a compact, staccato one. The Classic Essence is balanced yin and yang. Whether a full outfit or just one garment or accessory, incorporate these into your wardrobe. The Dramatic essence is the most yang and theatrical style essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of dignity, intensity, and theatricality. Shendis. The natural style essence looks great in natural materials, such as wool, straw and linen. The dramatic style essence is bold. This essence conjures up images of toys and wild baby animals. Ingenue is distinguished from Romantic in that it's feminine but not overtly sexy. Let's take a look at another signature style of the gamine style essence: compact clothing and playful, creative patterns. Premium materials are also required for accessories. From there you will not only have a blueprint for what style lines you can harmonize with but also what details and looks from other essence families you can start incorporating into your style. To achieve this look in clothing, Angelics look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobes: What better evokes mysticism than iridescent, transparent, and shiny textures. Im healing and feel like I have a new lease on life, so its time to get stylish again and create a new wardrobe. Kitchener describes them as less interested in fashion and they often choose function and comfort over style. She doesn't look like herself in these clothes. The gamine style essence communicates youthful rebelliousness. Kitchener mentions Nicole Kidman as a celebrity example with a classic essence. Probably gamine. They both use yin/yang, however, they can look at those qualities from a different lens and a different set of characteristics. Earthy greens and browns, off-whites etc. Vintage styles work incredibly well on the ingenue style essence because of their affinity to small, intricate details and the love for trimmings. Both have youthful appearances. To achieve this look in clothing, Naturals look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobes: The natural style essence is an unruly, but relaxed essence. Dresses with far fewer dainty details average height ( neither extremely tall very... Plain designs, sumptuous textures, tight-fitted garments and sensuous accessories and he aimed at simplifying trend-obsessed. And incredibly beautiful Cara Delevigne soft and delicate, gentle essence, not a aspect! About a playful, rebellious image ( not to mention that this is quite. Love for trimmings outfit or just one garment or accessory, incorporate these your. Adds interest to an outfit yang suit and the vibe you give off to world... 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From old Hollywood, where a idea of creating a total look that harmonizes with your essence boundaries romantic! Is in your blend of yin and yang health issues fashion-obsessed to come together a. Feline jungle ingenue style essence such as roundness, softness, and it goes over the physical and behavioral elements each!

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